List voltorb
Also has 4 steel energy cards, hop and a great ball card25 pokemon cards including: corviknight, toxel, ferroseed, pawniard, murkrow, pidove, growlithe, bisharp, duraludon, mawile, snover, ivysaur, morpeko, rookidee, spinarak, voltorb, teddiursa, corvisquire and zamazenta
4 €
25 pokemon cards including: lotad, turtwig, machop, electrike, ferroseed, paras, voltorb, ferrothorn, horsea, morpeko, stunky, espeon, rookidee, spinarak, growlithe, arrokuda, pawniard, snover, corvisquire and prinplupalso has 3 steel energy cards, hop and a great ball card
4 €